Level the playing field in development

Beyond Aid Narratives


The complexities and motivations behind the White Savior Complex within the global development sector. Including, how we can shift narratives and imagery when volunteering ‘abroad’.

Research on systemic barriers that impact the inclusion of Global Majority stakeholders in international climate decision-making and representation.

A centralised database providing resources on decolonisation and anti-racism in the global development sector.

A visual outline of the role of the emergence of Artificial I Intelligence (AI) in the development sector and it’s importance in the use of imagery and perpetuating ‘stereotypical’ narratives in the international development sector.

latest community contributions

A collection of articles and opinion pieces written by our community and members

**LPFDev interchangeably uses some terms, including the below across our work. We are aware that some of these terms are contested, and have many limitations. We use these terms for the purposes of aligning with currently used terminology across institutions.

Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) / Black, Asian and minority Ethnic (BAME) / Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) / Ethnic Minority / Indigenous / Race / Ethnicity / People of Colour (POC)